Friday, March 25, 2011

Kiddie Play & Java Chat

This morning the mamas of momstown Whitby-Ajax met up at Nicole's to enjoy a good 'ol java chat while the kiddies played. Our java chats are always a welcome break to our Moms. It gives the Moms a chance to enjoy some adult conversation. It also gives the chance for our kiddies to socialize and play with one another. It's a win-win combination.

Our Kiddie Play & Java Chat group runs monthly, so if you missed out on this one no worries. Our next one is scheduled for mid-April, so be sure to head on over to our calendar to RSVP.

I couldn't imagine a better way to end off a busy week... then with a coffee, my kidlets and the awesome company of our momstown members!!


  1. One person did. But not me... I won the chance to play again. Such an honour. Ha, ha!
